CannSell Extends Partnership with MADD Canada

Published: August 24, 2021

CannSell Extends Partnership with MADD Canada

CannSell, the sole mandated cannabis retail training program in the Province of Ontario, is pleased to announce that it has renewed its partnership with Mothers Against Drunk Driving Canada (“MADD Canada”), the national nonprofit organization dedicated to the prevention of impaired driving and the support of victims and survivors.

Since its inception, CannSell has keenly felt the importance of emphasizing the safe and responsible use of legal cannabis in budtender training, particularly concerning the crucial issue of impaired driving prevention. CannSell has consistently aligned itself with the values and practices of MADD Canada to ensure that all of its educational programs reflect this commitment. CannSell and MADD Canada have worked side-by-side to create the most comprehensive, impactful and compliant training solutions possible for Ontario’s licensed retail cannabis operators, with public safety and impaired driving prevention always front-of-mind.

CannSell and MADD Canada have agreed to a renewed and extended partnership for an initial term of five years to further underpin and strengthen CannSell as a key part of Ontario’s licensed retail cannabis industry. Under the extended agreement, the two organizations have pledged to encourage efforts towards safety and harm reduction through best practices in prevention of impaired driving within the regulated cannabis sector, to work together to engage government and industry stakeholders in the further improvement of the CannSell program as the definitive retail education and training program in Ontario, and to explore the provision of cutting-edge training in other jurisdictions.

“MADD Canada has been a foundational partner in the CannSell program and we are very pleased to enter into this renewed and expanded collaboration for the prevention of impaired driving,” stated Jonathan A. Carley, Co-CEO of CannSell. “As we move forward, CannSell and MADD Canada will continue to demonstrate leadership in education for the cannabis industry to inform consumers on safe and responsible consumption.”

“CannSell allows MADD Canada to provide critically important information about the responsible sale of cannabis and the prevention of impaired driving to those who are on the front-lines of retail cannabis,” said Andrew Murie, CEO of MADD Canada. “We look forward to continuing our partnership with CannSell and providing the information that budtenders need to do their job, while helping to keep their communities safe.”

CannSell is proud to maintain and expand this foundational partnership with MADD Canada, which continues to inform the guiding principles and regulatory frameworks that govern Ontario’s licensed cannabis sector.

About CannSell
CannSell educates cannabis retail staff on the responsible sale of cannabis and the prevention of impaired driving, as well as their legal and regulatory obligations. CannSell’s training also provides basic knowledge about cannabis to ensure those who are selling it understand the various forms, effects, and potential risks and harms of cannabis use. To learn more about certifying retail cannabis staff through CannSell Standard, or enhanced training and product knowledge modules with CannSell Expert, click here or visit

About MADD Canada
MADD Canada is a national, charitable organization that is committed to stopping impaired driving and supporting the victims of this violent crime. With volunteer-driven groups in more than 100 communities across Canada, MADD Canada aims to offer support services to victims, heighten awareness of the dangers of impaired driving, and save lives and prevent injuries on our roads. To learn more, visit