Exclusive, free webinar by Cannabis Council of Canada and CRI for the cannabis industry
Is your business or idea ready to reach the next level of growth, but in need of R&D support to get ahead?
Cannabis Council of Canada is excited to introduce the services of Fanshawe College’s Centre for Research & Innovation (CRI). Their applied research expertise can be the missing ingredient to help you leap ahead competitively. Join our free joint webinar, presented exclusively by Cannabis Council of Canada. Discover how CRI can support your business through scientific leadership, access to R&D funding up to $100,000 per eligible project, and a network of industry partners. CRI is ready to unlock innovation that drives the cannabis industry forward. R&D Innovation at CRI
• Scientific expertise and lab facilities to help emerging cannabis businesses launch new and improved food and beverage
• One of Canada’s only cannabis research licenses to support the processing industry with food and beverage development
Wednesday, November 3, 2021 | 11 a.m. – noon | Live on Zoom
For more information, contact:
Andrew Kaszowski, Industry Outreach & Communication Coordinator
Tel: 519-452-4430 ext. 4586 Email: a_kaszowski@fanshawec.ca