The American Cannabis Collective (ACC), a think tank dedicated to cannabis free market principles, was disappointed but not surprised that President Joe Biden continues to state broken campaign promises instead of real action to fix federal cannabis policy.
“Its political malpractice to ignore the voters who got him here. Black and brown voters that are most affected by the War on Drugs resuscitated his failing presidential campaign following fourth and fifth place showings in New Hampshire and Iowa four years ago. He promised that he would stop sending people to jail for simple possession, but the arrests continue, and he is keeping the War on Drugs alive and well,” said Don Murphy, Co-founder of the American Cannabis Collective.
“We do not know why he continues to bring up these supposed cannabis pardons, they aren’t real no matter how much they might believe their own rhetoric. Shame on them and shame on those that give them cover, voters know when they have been lied to even when advocates fail to hold them accountable,” said ACC Co-founder, Carl Cameron.
In October of 2022, President Biden issued a general pardon for federal offenders with simple possession, but that pardon let no one out of jail. And it has no effect at the state level for the numerous offenders who face drug charges there.
“Voters deserve better, minorities deserve better, patients deserve better, cannabis businesses deserve better than more failed campaign promises, failed policies and rhetoric that is inconsistent with the truth. This is no longer Nixon’s Drug War. This is the Biden and Harris Drug War having failed in three plus years to end it,” said Gretchen Gailey, Co-founder of the American Cannabis Collective.
According to a recent Gallup Poll 70% of Americans believe that cannabis should be legalized. This is an all time high since Gallup began tracking the issue in 1969.
“The President stands in front of Congress and makes disingenuous comments about how no one should be in jail, but where is the action. He says he wants to ‘review the classification of cannabis,’ that doesn’t legalize cannabis, people will still go to jail. The legal cannabis experiment has been alive and well for over 10 years. It’s time to end the empty promises and put the 400,000 workers of the cannabis industry and countless patients first,” added Gailey.
About The American Cannabis Collective
The American Cannabis Collective (ACC), works for the benefit of the patients, consumers and the industry that supports them. For too long, industry funded advocacy has been focused on policy changes that directly benefit themselves first and only indirectly benefit patients and consumers. The ACC reverses the order of consideration. We put the patients and consumers first, followed indirectly by the industry that serves them. Our work educates lawmakers and policymakers on cannabis free market principles that bring common sense back to drug policy reform.