A Thank You from Cannabis Prospect Magazine & Our December Issue

Published: December 17, 2021

A Thank You from Cannabis Prospect Magazine & Our December Issue

Cannabis Prospect Magazine would like to take this opportunity to personally thank all of its writers, editors, vendors and advertisers for making this our best year yet, specifically our printer, Maracle Printing, our mailing house, Harrison Mailing, our reps and service-people at Canada Post, and our proofreader, Darin Asae. We’ve also added our first sales representative this year, Michael Spencer, who continues to expand our advertising opportunities across Canada and the US.

In addition to this being our most profitable year yet we’ve also increased our circulation from 1650 to 2000 readers across Canada and the US in hard copy format. Beginning in February 2022 we will also be onboarding 1000 new cannabis retailers onto our circulation primarily in Ontario and BC, increasing our total circulation to 3000 total readers in hard copy format.

Similarly this year we’ve increased our digital reach to 850 Twitter followers, 950 Instagram Followers, and 440 Daily News Alerts subscribers respectively. Since Cannabis Prospect Magazine is available free online on our website as well as Issuu we are happy to report that in 2021 we had 20817 impressions, 5416 reads, and an average time of 6 minutes read for each visit. Our website in the meantime received over 20000 views and 25000 impressions.

From all of us to all of you have a happy and healthy holiday season. We’ll see you in 2022!

If you have had a chance to view our December issue yet feel free to do so at the link below.

Click here to view our December issue of Cannabis Prospect Magazine: https://bit.ly/3sagpXm

Click here to sign up for our Daily News Alerts: http://eepurl.com/gdjKUP

If you’d like to request a media kit feel free to email David Halpert at david@cannabisproonline.com.